May 2022
Denver Humane Society
Sometimes Press Releases can be underestimated as a potential tool to raise awareness regarding upcoming events, special announcements, or educational campaigns. When they are done well and shared with the correct member of a publication's staff, it can lead to huge exposure for little to no cost to the organization.
That's exactly what's happened with the Denver Animal Shelter. Recently, their press release announcing, "National pet ID week," led to some amazing press coverage and included a nearly five-minute on-air interview with their local news channel. It's a clip that can be shared on their social channels, in their community, and potentially picked up and used by larger news outlets.
Not sure what constitutes a reason for a press release? You might get some helpful ideas by looking at our "Current Events" page which lists pet related events and holidays that you could capitalize on and get some amazing free press coverage.
Check out their article & video, and feel free to share with your own followers and community members. Contact PetHub if you'd like help with mobilizing your Press Release potential by emailing
Do you have recent press coverage you'd like us to help share and celebrate? Email or fill out this google form.
April 2022
Anchorage Animal Care & Control
We are thrilled to have seen some amazing Social Media activity on the Anchorage Animal Care & Control Facebook page, recently! They were able to successfully engage their Facebook following by hosting a photo contest featuring local pets wearing their PetHub tags. The rules were simple, folks could upload photos directly to the post and the image needed to include a visible PetHub tag to be eligible. The photo with the most "likes" was selected as the winner.
The winning pup, "Outlaw" got the most likes and is now on their Facebook banner image for all to see and appreciate!
Great job, Anchorage Animal Care & Control and congrats to Outlaw for showing off his fancy PetHub tag!
If you'd like to coordinate a contest similar to what Anchorage Animal Care & Control organized, let us know and we can help you with details and planning! Email and we'll get the ball rolling.